Back to work!
It was with great joy that I was contacted by Principal cellist Rafal Jezierski last week to produce a short video of him performing the Prelude from Bach’s first cello suite inside the Museum of Bellas Artes in Valencia to help celebrate the International Day of Museums. I felt incredibly privileged to be one of only a handful of people inside the museum listening to beautiful music among the paintings. It was a challenge as I had to work alone as a one man band so to speak, directing, lighting, recording audio, and operating the 3+ cameras. I do miss working in a team but Rafal was great to work with and helped make the process run as smoothly and enjoyably as possible with minimum stress. I did however have to wear an attractive face mask and keep to the 2 metre distance rule as well as I could, not always so easy! Performing and recording a piece of music such as Bach’s Prelude has added pressure because it is so famous, and everyone has an opinion on how it should be played! I do hope that you enjoy Rafal’s performance and my video, and we can all look forward to working together in person again before too long.