How it works: the pre-consultation

A lovely selfie of myself and my video client Lisa during our meeting to plan Lisa’s video

A lovely selfie of myself and my video client Lisa during our meeting to plan Lisa’s video

When somebody first enquires about setting up a shoot with me the first thing I do is try to get off email or whatsapp and actually talk to them in a real conversation. Ideally this would be face to face but as many of my clients are super busy and traveling a lot we often use some sort of video call instead. I prefer this to a phone call because I can begin to start looking at the way people hold themselves - their natural body language and the way they move tells me a huge amount about them, before they’ve even opened their mouths. The second reason why I want to talk is so we can have a real conversation - something that is very difficult to do via text only. I want to ask questions and find out more about what you think you want, what you need (not always the same things!), your background or the story behind your business, and any ideas or requests you already have. I need to know what you plan to use the images or video for, so any planning always begins with the end in mind, then we work backwards. After this initial meeting if you decide to go ahead I can start the creative process and begin a mood board of ideas and shot list. 


“It was like she got inside our heads…

…and knew exactly what we wanted. It really exceeded all my expectations” - Marie Rodgers, Business and Sales coach

For a video the process is even more in depth than for still photography and if the video will include an interview then I will arrange a second meeting or pre-interview. This is primarily an informal information gathering chat, and will also give my interviewee the opportunity to know roughly what I will be asking when the cameras are rolling. Unless you are a professional actor, it’s completely normal to be a little nervous when being filmed and I find that conducting a pre-interview will help put you at ease when the record button is pressed. It also enables me to know what general direction I need to go in during the interview, find the story of the whole film, and helps me to plan the questions I will ask, and alternative ways of asking the same question in order to prompt good responses. 

All in all the pre-consultation is indispensable: it helps me to get to know you and understand your needs better so I can go away and start putting together my creative vision for your shoot. Contact me if you’d like to arrange a chat to see how I can help you.


Problem Solving: The Pilot


The world's first stroller-cam